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Yoshino River Rafting and Accommodation, Oboke Koboke Iya Kazura Bridge, Kochi sightseeing! – Otoyo Town , Kochi –
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Reception hours : 9:00 – 20:00
Tel : 0887-72-0202
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Surrounding Area

Sugi no Osugi ( The tallest cedar in Japan )

The “Sugi no Osugi”, which is famous as the tallest cedar in Japan, is a huge tree estimated to be 3,000 years old and is said to have been planted by Susano-no-mikoto.

The cedar actually consists of two separate trees, called ”Minami-osugi (The Great Southern Cedar)” and “Kita-osugi (The Great northern Cedar)” respectively, and is also called “wedded cedar” because the two cedars are merged  at the roots.
It’s bigger than I expected, so it’s worth a look.

Cooperation fee: 200 yen

Old Tajikawa Bansho Shoin

In 1718  Toyotaka, the 6th lord of the Tosa Clan made the Tajikawa Bansho the last residence for the lord of the Tosa Clan.
It became one of the three major guardhouses in Tosa, along with the Iwasaguchi guardhouse (Kitagawa Village) and the Ikekawaguchi guardhouse (Niyodogawa Town).
The roof of the building is a masterpiece.

General admission fee:

Adults: 210 yen
*Open only on Sundays and national holidays (9:00-17:00)


This is a recreational village surrounded by giant windmills and a spectacular view of the mountains of Shikoku.
The park is 750 meters above sea level and is full of facilities that can be enjoyed for multiple purposes, including an RV park, cottages, tent sites, kids’ athletic facilities, flower gardens, lawn areas, and restaurants.

Limited time events are also not to be missed.

General admission fee:

Adults: 500 yen,
Junior high and high school students: 300 yen,
Elementary school students: 100 yen.

*Closed on Tuesdays (or the following day if Tuesday is a national holiday)
*We will be open during Spring Break, Golden Week, Summer Break, and New Year.

Mt. KAJIGA-MORI Prefectural Natural Park

This is a nature park located in the southeast of Otoyo Town, focusing on the mountainous landscape of Kajiga-mori at an altitude of 1,400 meters.

“Japanese andromeda”, “azalea”, “bamboo grass”, and “Japanese nutmeg” grow densely here. Near the top there  is a grassy plain with an excellent view of the Yoshino River basin to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south.

The natural beauty of the area attracts visitors from season to season.

There are a variety of mountain trails, and mountain climbers can enjoy  the trails  throughout the year.

The temperature at the top of Mt. Kajigamori is about 10 degrees lower than in the lowlands, so even in summer, a jacket is necessary in the morning and evening.

It is  beautiful. There is also a mountain lodge and an astronomical observatory where you can enjoy the starry sky at night and a sea of clouds in the morning on a clear day.

logo 665, Kawaguchi, Nagaoka Gun Otoyo Cho, Kochi Ken, 789-0303, Japan 
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